Thursday 29 July 2010

At the cinema, on the internet

I feel compelled to write about inception, I can't not write about it. It is all anyone is talking about and it deserves that amount of attention. I saw it the other day and it had a great impression on me as it affected others. I was amazed because the themes of the film are so abstract yet that obscurity is not an obstacle for the "blockbuster" elements of the movie, it is perfectly accessible. Nolan does this by restraining the narrative: dealing with dreams and dream theory can get out of hand easily and dream theory itself is massive and complex but everything in the film is simplified and exposed. There are dreams within dreams within dreams and there is dream manipulation and relativity of time but the spectator is never lost. Also, the film doesn't focus on doubting reality either, there are key moments where reality is put into question but for the most part reality is clearly defined and the skepticism is not the central theme. The action within the movie was never gratuitous or redundant it seemed vital to the story, to the characters. However even without the action scenes, the film would have still been great due to the depth of the story. DiCaprio seems to be drawn to psychologically tormented characters in denial but hey it's working pretty well, the Departed, The Aviator, Shutter Island were all great films. Joseph Gordon Levitt stole the show with two of the best fight scenes ever. Inception is Christopher Nolan's first time writing by himself(he normally writes with his brother) and it shows in some parts where the dialogue is a little too heavy on exposition and the last scene was superfluous and a bit cheap but overall he has composed an airtight, brooding blockbuster.

The Social Network
I found the trailer for this little prospect today on a blog. The social network is David Fincher's biopic of Mark Zuckerburg and the creation of facebook. It looks surprisingly interesting but at the same time it seems weird to make a film out of it. Facebook is a very interesting subject from which many themes can be approached but the film seems to be more concerned with dramatizing Zuckerberg's ordeal. Also, the attempt at revamping creep(which everyone is sick of) works for the trailer and the whole idea of Facebook. I would like to see how Jesse Eisenberg approaches the role because I've never really found him funny yet he does have a certain charm like geek appeal(not unlike Michael Cera)

The Green Hornet

I've been looking forward to this trailer for a while just to see what Seth Rogen in a superhero movie would look like and it looks boring. I am intrigued that they have chosen to use a comic tone but then again it would be hard to go straight faced drama with Rogen although I think he could do it. Michel Gondry was the other reason I was excited about his movie. He represents the eccentric, do it yourself, creative type of filmmaking but the style of the movie looks very bland and generic. I will definitely see it but my expectations have been lowered greatly.

Yay for Christoph Waltz!

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