Wednesday 5 May 2010

2010 General Election

Tomorrow, I will vote for the first time ever. I'm excited. Political parties usually dissuade me from voting by being homogenous and ineffective and thus I have become a very apathetic person(democratically speaking). I received a polling card declaring my right to vote and the details required to cast that vote. Apparently, E.U residents can vote(unless the polling card was sent by mistake) in the U.K. This seems very suspicious and a little bit defective because I have very limited knowledge of the parties involved, I am unaware of the central issues in Britain and of the prime ministerial candidates(up until about a week ago). So maybe giving people like me the right to choose a leader for Britain isn't the best idea. Unlike U.K citizens, If I really despise the elected party I can just go home and not have to live with the consequences.

So I started by watching debates(most of them), looking at the policies each party wishes to pursue and then I perused each party's manifesto. At least this way I can make an informed(ish) decision.The labour party's website is just filled with empty political rhetoric and patronizing videos but their manifesto has the prettiest pictures. The conservatives want to enforce policies that will make everyone pay more(tax,tuition fees and NHS). So I have decided to vote for Clegg(yellow tie)and the liberal democrats mainly because of the their reforms on education and because they're not afraid of the E.U. The liberal democrats have become very popular, especially with young people because of their reforms and because they present themselves as being completely different from the "old" parties. So I tried not to be influenced by the hype and research them before I jumped on the proverbial band wagon. Anyway, tomorrow I will see what all this fuss about democracy is all about.

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