Friday 23 April 2010

"Tim and Eric awesome show" is pretty awesome.

Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim are two comedians who write and star on their own sketch show on the adult swim network. I stumbled upon one of their sketches on youtube yesterday and have become fascinated. Their sketches walk a thin line between hilarious and bizarre.The show features surreal situations, incoherent musical acts and fake advertisements. A lot of the sketches start of as conventional jokes. For example, parodying infommercials and advertisements isn't exactly a new idea but Tim and Eric take the humor and warp it by using editing to push the sketch into the absurd such as in this ad. By looping sounds and repeating shots, the comedians prolong the madness and play with the audience and what they expect from a comedy sketch show. The kitsch quality of the show just adds to the "weird" appeal and a lot of the secondary characters appear to be random, ordinary people brought into the madness. However, it does feel at times that Tim and Eric are exploiting some of the people that come on the show, such as in this song "Come Over".

"Tim and Eric Awesome show" also features some great guest stars: Michael Cera, Zach Galifianakis, Fred Willard to name a few.
I have become obsessed with this show for its daring, its strangeness and its pace. An episode of "Tim and Eric" only lasts ten minutes and yet they fit a lot of quick fire sketches. "Tim and Erics Awesome Show great job" is in the middle of its fifth season on adultswim.

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